The paintings on this page are currently available for you to purchase, unless otherwise stated. All the details can be The paintings on this page are currently available for you to purchase, unless otherwise stated. All the details can be found on the page reserved for each painting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me by leaving me a message via the contact link, or by using the 'chat' at the bottom right! Moreover,
If you do not find the ideal painting, contact me to let me know your wish, and we can see together how to access your idea. Participative creativity is an integral part of the abstract painting creation process!
Finally, preparations and deliveries are offered FREE of charge (except overseas territories) for Canada, the United States and the European Economic Community.found on the page reserved for each painting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me by leaving me a message via the contact link , or by using the 'chat' at the bottom right!